2022年のオーストラリア全体の死亡者数は、2019年の約 164,000 人、2021年の約 171,000 人から、190,000人になった
Senator Gerard Rennick 2023/03/27
Overall deaths in Aus this year will come in under just 190,000 deaths, up from around 164,000 in 2019 and 171,000 in 2021
今は 2023年3月で、実際のパンデミックから 3年が経過しました。実際この「実験」に取り組んでから、より良い言葉を求めており、明日にはオーストラリアの 190,000人近くが死亡するようです。これは、 2022年に記録されました。
これは 2019 年に記録されたものよりも 30,000人以上多い死亡者数です。人口が数パーセントしか増加していないという事実にもかかわらず、ある時点で、実際に人口が減少しました。
私たちは、吐き気を催しながら、それと背中合わせで毎日、約 2年間、2年半連続でその言葉を聞いていましたが、この(2022年の過剰死)が私たちが今いる場所です。
2022年の超過死亡数も非常に重要だと思いますが、2021 年の超過死亡数を調べることも非常に重要だと考えています。
そして、2021年の超過死亡数を調査することが非常に重要である理由は、2021年は、1年を通じてオーストラリアに COVID がほとんどなかったからです。
Overall deaths in Aus this year will come in under just 190,000 deaths, up from around 164,000 in 2019 and 171,000 in 2021.
The question needs to be asked why didn't the V stop deaths from Covid as promised by experts? Whatever ever happened to 92% protection? @TGAgovau #auspol pic.twitter.com/bU4a2F5YKt— Senator Gerard Rennick (@SenatorRennick) March 27, 2023
We spent hundreds of billions of dollars.
We shut people down for a number of years.
We locked them down, we locked them out, we locked them up, we shut down our borders.
People were unable to see loved ones.
I have got friends who sis not get to see their sister die.
Extremely traumatic circumstances where people were denied their fundamental human rights, all in the name of keeping us safe.
And yet, here we are in March 2023, three years since the actual pandemic, almost to the weekend, actually, since we engaged in this experiment, foe want of a better word, and it looks like tomorrow we will see close to 190,000 death recorded in 2022.
Now, that is almost more than 30,000 deaths higher than what was recorded in 2019, despite the fact that er have only had couple of percent increase in the population, and at one point there, we actually had a decrease in the population when everyone decided pack up and get out they could.
Those qre people who had other passports and things like that.
So we deserve an inquiry because the premiers promised that they would keep us safe.
We had it, heard it ad nauseam, back to back, every day for about two years, two and a half years straight and yet this is where we are at now.
I think that examining 2022 excess deaths are very important, but I actuary think it is also very important to examine excess deaths in 2021.
And the reason why examining excess deaths in 2021 is so important is that there was next to no COVID in the community throughout that year.
Therefore, we have a very clear delineated set of numbers that can not be tainted be tainted by allegations of long COVID or anything like that.